Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

The 'Lil Yellow Brick House

Can I just say that I have the nicest blog friends ever?
I was extremely hesitant to publish my last post because it felt very close to my heart.
Your comments & emails touched my heart, and I wanted to thank you all for being such kind people :)

Onto some more fun and exciting news!!!
I briefly mentioned in the last post that Ryan & I are moving.
We currently live in a basement apartment in Orem.
Our landlords {Ryan's friends from back home} have quickly become our best friends, which has made this even more of a difficult decision for us.
We thought and prayed about it a ton, deciding on whether or not to move...because we love the people we live under and have thoroughly enjoyed our time here.
 But, we came to the conclusion that moving to Provo will further help us in the long run. 
Less driving, 15 minute walk to school, less stairs {good for Ryan's busted knees}, and closer to family and friends.

Also, after we happened upon this 'lil yellow brick house, it was love at first sight for me.
I couldn't get my mind off of it.
We NEEDED to live in this house.
If anyone else got to live in what already seemed like my house, I would surely be upset.
So we thought about it...applied for it, then hopped to it and signed the lease!
We will be movin' in next week :)
We have the whole upstairs to ourselves, a front & backyard, a garage, a back patio, garden area, driveway, 2 bedrooms, a dining room, cute kitchen, and nice big living room all to our very own selves.


Everything has just fallen into place, and when that happens you can't help but think that it was meant to be! 
My favorite parts about our new place have to be the kitchen & dining room.
If you can't already tell that I'm excited, you should check out my Pinterest boards and see all the home decor crap I've been pinning for the past couple of days.
That hutch in the corner is built into the house. How cute!
And for anyone who knows know that red is definitely not in my ideal color scheme. 
So this is my inspiration for the dining room:
I love the blue and white which makes the room feel light/airy, but then the look feels very grounded with the dark wood. Looks uber relaxing.

Here is the kitchen, and I am so epicly STOKED to start cookin' in here!
The vision I had in mind for the kitchen came from some inspiration in this pic:
If you can't tell, I'm really digging the aqua/robin's egg blue {haven't decided what shade yet}, yellow, white theme with dark wood and coral accents.
Somethin' like this {except coral instead of orange}:

Anywho, I've been way excited to start painting/decorating and to have my parents up here to help with the move.
I've be literally jumping around for joy like a complete dweeb.
Next up, securing a job :)

<3 Bri

P.S. You got two more days to sign up for the giveaway!
Check out the "Current Giveaway" tab for more info.

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