Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

The Story of Us: I Love You Ryan Andrew Rios {Part 13}

If you haven't already read up on how Ryan and I fell hopelessly in love... 
Check out the "Story of Us" tab above.
This is one of the best parts, so you better hurry up!!!

Fast forward a few days later, I'm in the midst of finals.
I'm taking a break from all the studying, and Ryan joins me in my procrastination {naturally}.
{I stole this shirt from Ryan both Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks}

We decided {ahem, I wanted} to watch the Christmas claymation movies in celebration of the season.
I choose Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer, stuffed it into the DVD player, and hopped on over to cuddle with Ryan on the living room couch.
He is sitting up and has a pillow on his lap where I promptly plop my head, then cuddle into my leopard print blanket.
At this point I'm still wondering if he ever caught on to the fact that I accidentally professed my love to him during a phone order of hamburger and sweet potato fries.
I mean, he hasn't brought it up in a few days.
Maybe I actually got away with it!


R "Soooo...what did you say the other day on the phone?"

Let me interject here really quick and just point out that Ryan is not a "feelings" kind of guy.
Whenever anything slightly stressful or worrisome would happen in his life,
 I practically had to shake it out of him before he would tell me anything.
He is extremely careful in whom he places his love and trust.

But at the same token, it was so so so obvious that he was falling in love with me.
Our relationship from the beginning was very transparent, honest, straightforward, and just...easy.
There were no games.
So my response to his question?
Me, being the smooth cat I am, pick my head up off the pillow, turn around and say:

B "You know what Ryan Andrew Rios? I said I LOVE YOU. I don't even care if you don't say it back to me right now, because I already know that you are falling madly in love with me, and you are gonna tell me that you love me too sooner or later. K thanks."

Then I promptly plopped my head back on the pillow and continue on with my claymation viewing.
There was a big 'ole Cheshire cat smile plastered to my face.
Oh my goodness....I just said 'I love you' to Ryan.
In probably one of the most un-romantic ways possible.
Anddd that was it.
I'm the one who said it first.
Accidentally and then for reals.

At the end of finals week, he drove me up to the airport then sent me off with a kiss on the forehead.
On my flight home to California, I thought to myself:

"Ohhhhhhh crap.

 What am I getting myself into."

<3 Bri

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