Selasa, 18 September 2012

birthday rut

You know, instead of "Lets get wasted", cause it's my 21st and what not.
I'm so punny.
I'm not gonna take all the credit for the tagline, my mom is just too creative for her own good.

Now to the point.
You all know that I've been in this "Birthday Rut" so to speak.
Where I've just been tired and thinking such blasphemous thoughts, such as:
"Do I even need/want a party?"

No creative theme was just coming to my mind like it has in previous years...
 I've had no motivation to do my homework nevertheless motivation to plan a party...
 and just an overall lack of excitement for my birthday weekend.

 Then, I was inspired by a post my friend Kyla sent me. 
{Thanks girl!!}
And the idea was refined after a good talking to with Momma G-Man.

A vintage "drive-in" party.

Imagine this...
Friday night.
Crisp cold air, not too cold...but cold enough that you can wear a sweater & feel cozy.
Twinkling lights strung throughout the backyard.
A projector & movie screen.
Smores bar.
Fondue table.
Cuddles & blankets.
A funfetti cake with 21 candles.
A small & special get together with your closest friends.

Sound amazing??
It does to me too!
Thanks to all of you for helping me out of my rut :)

I can't wait to get started on the decorations!!!
Oh, and weeding the backyard...booo.

<3 Bri

P.S. Welcome new readers from ABCDE! Glad to have you here!
Everyone, make sure you enter the Kara's Kustoms iphone case Giveaway!

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