Kamis, 29 November 2012

How To Meet A Blogger In Real Life {Without it Being Awkward}

{Awkward Girls Blogger Meet-up in March 2012}

You read this girl's blog.
You think she is just stellar. 
Awesome. Sweet. Stylish. Legit.
{This elusive "girl/her/she" is your favorite blogger}

You are out on the town or at a blogger meet-up...when you see her.
You know what she wore to Thanksgiving dinner last week, you know she ate sushi yesterday...
You feel like you just know her.
But not really.
Cause you have never talked to her in person.

You approach her and say:
"Hi my name is ____, and I just LOVE your blog! So nice to meet you."

And this is where the fork in the road happens.
You must have your wits about you.
Pay attention.
{Gentri Lee's Blogger Meet-up in November 2012}

The girl can either be way fun and sweet, just like you imagined her to be.
She can be the snotty "I have a bazillion followers and who the heck are you" type.

Now...how do you make it not awkward?

If she is nice, then go ahead and mention something from her blog 
that you enjoy, then base a conversation off of that.
A real life conversation where you go back and forth and actually get to know the girl.
This way, you can start to form a friendship that doesn't revolve completely around blogging.
Please do not ramble on about every little thing you've ever read on her blog.
It's really creepy, and even though we choose to publicly write about our lives on the internet... 
it is still weird when someone recites your whole life back to you.
{I met Kyla through blogging and now we are good friends!!!}

If she is snotty, keep it short and simple.
If you start with the opening line and she is being uber weird/snotty/rude
then just say something to this effect:
"Well, I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog, I hope you have a nice day!"
Just leave it at that.

Another niche that is not the extreme of being nice or snotty...
 is the awkward blogger who is sweet, but doesn't know how to be social without being
....well, awkward.
Those girls you should definitely put your social self out for.
They need to know that the blogging community is a supportive & loving one :)

What do you think are some good pointers to meeting bloggers in real life?

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