Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

The November I Can't Remember

Would you believe me if I told you that I've had this outfit for a MONTH now, and I've just been biding my time until I could wear it for our Valentine's dinner?
I call it being prepared people.

After a long day of school, homework, and the gym we met together at the house and went out on our date Friday night. While we were getting ready, Ryan asked if I remembered our first "official" date. Ryan always makes fun of me because I honestly can't remember anything from when we first starting dating. It's ok, he didn't drug me, I checked. We always joke that it's the "November I Can't Remember" and I always bug him to tell me stories from that month, kind of like a kid who bugs their parents to re-read their favorite book time and time again.

He proceeded to tell me the story of our date, he said that it was the first time he actually noticed what I was wearing when we went out {he was very vague about it though when I asked what I was actually wearing, I guess almost 2 and half years will do that to you!}.
To get prepared for the date, he stalked my Facebook to see what my family's idea of "dressing up" was. Come to find out, in every family photo my brothers and dad are always wearing a t-shirt with a button-up over the top. At least it's predictable right?!

As we were driving, he said that in preparation for our first "official" date that he asked my friends what one of my favorite restaurants was....Outback of course! Yummmm.
When we first started dating we liked to play the "Question" game. 
It was a way we could ask each other the hard questions to get to know one another better.
Ryan explained that he always loved playing this game with me because I was transparent & honest and it was the fastest way to get to know me.
On our first date I confided in him that one of my fears is being stuck.
Stuck in a situation or place that I didn't feel comfortable in or that I couldn't get out of.
He turned to me that night and sweetly said:
"Bri, I'll never let you feel hopeless like that again"

A little forward for the first date huh?
Supposedly I was just quiet after he said that, because I'm sure I was mulling it over in my mind to see if that is what I really wanted. To be stuck with him for all eternity....
How about a resounding YES. 
On our probably bazillionith "official" date the other night, we ate at Outback, used our Kohls cash to get Ryan some shirts, played the question game, and we took outfit pictures {his idea}!
Oh how I love these themed dates from the "November I Can't Remember" :)

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