Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

What a Typical Blogger Would Say (Or Do)...

{Arm candy courtesy of the husband for Valentines}

Takes an Insta picture of their bracelets with the caption: 
"Lovin' my arm candy today!"

"So many deals...so many cute things..cant...handle...it"
Insta pic with the caption: "Here is my Target haul!"

*Will accept product reviews whenever it includes free clothes, jewelry, or hair dryers. 
Um, heck yes I will review your product.*

{Me being a typical Mormon and taking an Insta picture in front of the St. George temple}

"Why are there so many Mormon bloggers?! And why do they like to blog so much??"

*Finds a new blog she likes, then feels like she is stalking said blogger when she follows them via every social media outlet known to man: GFC, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, and Bloglovin...*

"How do I get pictures to look all professional with my Canon Elf?"
*Hits up Pinterest for tutorials*

If anyone tells you that they read your blog, you instantly internally freak out and think: 
"Oh my gosh...how did you find it?! And now you know my whole life...great."

{A maxi newbie, and I proclaim of its amazingness in this post}

"Maxi skirts are SOOO comfortable!"

"Here is my 'mom uniform' or as I call it... my 'momiform'"

"I'm so sick of my layout" 
{after having it for 4 months}

*Will sponsor and guest post for every blog on the planet, but is ridiculously embarrassed talking about her blog face to face with anyone.*

Happy Monday :)

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