Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

I Only Order a Salad To Laugh At It

I'll admit that I'm not the bestest housewife there ever was. I'm not a huge fan of slaving all day over a dinner, I only do deep cleaning when I'm angry/frustrated, and I don't make lunches every single day for my husband to take to work {I'm workin' on that though ;)}. BUT, when I do prepare a meal...it's dang delicious. Seeing as how I've made a commitment to keep up with my clean eating initiative, we've been eating more salads around here. Ryan used to joke with me and say "I only order a salad to laugh at it" {whatta skunk!}, but now that I've been trying out some different salad concoctions, he's been whistling a different tune. The top salad is: spinach, feta cheese, strawberries, grilled chicken, lite raspberry vinaigrette, and avocado. The salad below is: grilled chicken, spinach, cheese, bacon bits, and poppyseed dressing. 

What is your favorite salad dish that everyone should try?

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