Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

The Makings of a Good Day

Today has been a pretty awesome day, if I do say so myself. After 7 weeks of disgusting rats nest hair, I finally got myself a haircut from my favorite stylist Nicole at Amara Day Spa. I brought her my extensions that I haven't worn since my wedding day {I know, shame on me} so she could teach me how to take care of and what to do with them. She clipped them in my hair, curled me all up, and I felt like a Disney princess!

I made my way on over to Target to do a return and peruse the store {peruse aka what cute things do I feel like I need?} I used my Target & Starbucks gift cards that I won in an Instagram giveaway, and treated myself! I just love meandering Target just for the heck of it and getting stuff I don't need. Woot woot!

{Remixed: Purse, Necklace}

I brought home Caramel Apple Spices for Ryan & I, we did some home fix-ups and I put together my mom's birthday box {feelin' very productive.} And now we are planning on hitting up the pumpkin patch tonight and grabbing dinner! It feels SO nice to not have any major tests or projects hanging over my head after the chaos at school this past week. Plus I'm lookin' forward Halloween festivities, Ryan's birthday, and the Harvest Your Fashion at Francesca's blogger party! Yes, it's been a very good day :)

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