Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Weekend Update: Baby Ford

This past Saturday I went to my blog BFF's baby shower for her little girl who's due on Valentine's day! How cute is that?? Everything was decked out in pink & gold by her awesome mom and sisters, and the food was deeeelish. I seriously had 10 of some sausage roll-up finger foods, cause they totally hit the spot. Yummmmm. {Check out Kyla's full post on the shower!}

Ryan and I had a blast picking out adorable little girl outfits for Kyla's little one, and it makes me look forward to that time in my life when I'll be buying little baby clothes up the wazoo. Tutus, baby jeggings, and frou-frou galore! Until then, I'll just spoil my friends babies :)

After the shower, Ryan & I just vegged the rest of the weekend because we are exciting married college students and all. Hooray for sleep & a ridiculous amount of Sodalicious runs! 

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