Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Pan Dulce

I'm not one who emotionally eats...I usually emotionally shop.
The only exception to that would be my love for pan dulce.

Which is Spanish for "sweet bread"
One of my childhood memories was going to Stater Bros. in Southern California and buying sweet bread with my dad. He didn't speak a lick of Spanish, but loved the sweet bread, the marinated carne asada, and the nice people in all the different stores.
 In the city where I'm from {Corona, CA} there is a huge Hispanic influence, meaning truckloads of delicious Mexican food to choose from! 
I'm not a huge sweets/donut person either, but man...I can narf 3 of those colorful conchas in like 5 minutes. It's sugar on bread, I really don't know where you could go wrong with that. 

Plus, it's about 70 cents for each of them! 
Ummm, totes the best indulgence for a college student/newlywed :)
{Not a bald spot! Just a really really blonde spot there}
{Really cool Coke and Pepsi signs in downtown Provo,UT}
Shirt: JCrew//Skirt: Anthro//Sandals: Charlotte Russe//Earrings: gift//Necklace: gift.

So hit up one of those Mexican food shops, cause they seriously have some of the best food!
And try some pan dulce and tell me what you think :)

<3 Bri

---Revealing the Shabby Apple winner tomorrow!!!

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