Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

300 Follower Celebration Giveaway! {CLOSED}

I just hit 300 followers this week.
 That is so freakin' crazy to me!!!
I feel like it was just last week that I was figuring out how to use Blogger, spending 3-4 hours on making my first button, or even getting my first non-family followers :)

I wanted to show my appreciation to you, my loyal readers {family and non-family}, by hosting a giveaway from one of my newest sponsors SkinCareRx!
SkinCareRx carries some of the best pore minimizing products, along with make-up, fragrances, hair stuff, and so much more!
I've been spending most of my time on the Apothica site, getting lost in all the fun make-up & perfumes, so you better check them all out!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Love you all & good luck!
<3 Bri

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