Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Uber Productive

Is it weird to say that I love these pics of myself?
You know when you take pictures and you are like:
"What the heck, that doesn't even look like me?!"

For once, these pics actually look like me.
So if you ever see me in the University mall/on BYU campus, these pictures are a pretty good depiction.
The only exception is if you see me past 11pm in the Orem Wal-Mart, I definitely look like a sea creature from the depths of the ocean in sweat pants and a messy bun.
Cause that's exactly what creatures from the deep sea look like...

Right after these pictures were taken last Wednesday I started to get sick, then it got way worse on Friday. Hence why there have been no blog posts, I've been wiping snot off my face for the past 3 days and hoping not to get anyone else sick! 

I worked Friday-Sunday and wanted to die every minute.
I am so glad I'm getting towards the end of my sickness, so I can finally be back to normal, and not have the urge to rip off my face!
Top: Fossil//Shorts, Jean Jacket: American Eagle//Sandals: Chinese Laundry//Necklace: gift//Bracelets: Fossil, AE.//Purse: Anthropologie.
Today is one of my days off, and Ryan & I have been uber productive!
Fafsa. DONE.
Changing mailing addresses with BYU. DONE.
Figuring out class schedules & wait listing the rest. DONE.
Got our tub fixed. DONE. (Ok, that wasn't really us, but we called to get it fixed)
Wrote out important dates on our calender. DONE.

Andddd ate some delish food. DONE.
Check out Which 'Wich? over by the Univeristy Mall Theater, it's pretty good.
I would give it a 6.5-7 out of 10.
Not the bestest in the world, but still pretty delicious.
It's fun cause you write out what you want on the sandwhich bag, then you hand it to the cashier who hands it to the sandwhich peeps who make it for you. Yummmmmmmmmm.

How have you all been?
Any sickness tips??

<3 Bri

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