Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

Positive Thinking

Even after a year and a half or so of blogging I still get all sketched out if anyone is watching me take outfit pictures...yes that includes the mailman in the background, a little kid whizzing by every five seconds on his bike, and the Indian dude to the side of me {not pictured} yelling angrily in another language at someone on the phone {I felt sorry for whoever that was, I'm sure that he definitely ruined their day}.

It's been a rough start here in California. Between having to fight tooth and nail to get internet installed and working, living on a dime {actually a penny}, having to get our fridge replaced because the last one didn't work and it spoiled all of our food, and realizing we forgot to pack important things {such as: trash bags, dishwashing soap, toothbrushes and the like}, you could say it's been an emotion-filled past couple of days.
You know what though? I'm reallly making an effort to stay positive and optimistic. After all, we have been looking forward to moving here for the past few months and I can't let a few hiccups ruin that! Especially since I've got my friends and family close by, the sun is out & warming my skin, Ryan and I have great jobs/internship opportunities that we are excited about, a paycheck is only a 'lil ways away, plus I'm happy & Ryan's happy...and that's all that really matters, right? :)

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