Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Things I'm Lovin'

+ feet pictures obviously, i think this is my 3rd or 4th one since being here {probably cause my feet only look presentable when I'm in CA & wear sandals all the time?}
+ the way I feel after a Jillian Michaels workout. i'm starting to feel those ab muscles! {currently on week 2}
+ re-inventing & appreciating my wardrobe
+ craving a new book to read then finding Ryan's Christmas present "Killing Kennedy" in his nightstand basket. bingo.
+ the faith I'm exercising as of late. as long as we work hard, things will work out.
+ the way my internship blog is slowly coming together & how awesome my internship supervisor is
+ hanging with my mom & craftin' up a storm {creating a new bulletin board at church}
+ my dad calling to check up on me: "just calling to harass you, you feeling harassed yet?...well, i'll let you get back to getting buff" {when he found out that he called in the middle of a workout}
+ this extremely flowy/large/soft olive blouse found at Platos & originally from Anthro
+ the warmth of the california sun on my skin {after months & months of the dreadful utah winter}
+ a shared fro-yo date planned for the husband & I tonight, hooray for dates on a budget!

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