Kamis, 05 September 2013

Impending Graduation + Senior Year

{Tuesday was our first day back to school, and of course I made Ryan take first day pictures!}

This is my last full semester of classes {14 credits worth}, then I have my stupid American Heritage class to take {I know, I know...why didn't I take it sooner?! Cause I hate scary history classes, that's why}...then I'm finally done. I'll walk in April and it feels so surreal. I've been pluggin' away at school for so long, I don't know even know what it's like to not be scheduling my life between semesters and classes. Something that has been hanging over my head for the past month or so, is what kind of jobs I should start applying for? I've been putting off the thought for so long, just thinking: "Oh, I'll figure it out when I am about to graduate". Ummm, ya. That's kinda soon. Especially since I'll be a part time student next semester, which means I need to find work starting in January. 

I will graduate with a Family Studies degree {emphasis in therapy}, a Music minor {emphasis in vocals}, a slew of Interior Design/Art History/Architecture classes, and Communications courses. What the heck are you going to do with all of that? Well my friend, that is an excellent question. I love design, fashion, business, and working with people...so maybe something along those lines? While teaching voice lessons on the side? All I know is that whatever I set my mind to, I can accomplish. Nothing really stands in my way...that is when I actually have some sense of direction. Note to self, add to the to-do list: "find some life direction".

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