Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Weekend Update: Comedy Sportz & The Choc'late Mousse

Ryan & I have made it a point to plan one date night activity for each weekend, a time where take a breath from school and really focus on one another. We haven't been good about consistent date nights in the past, so this is something new for us! Last weekend we hit up Comedy Sportz {a comedy club in Provo, on Center St.} to watch one of our friends at work, and it was such a blast! 

Being that we are in Provo, it was fun to have the comedy tailored to us as an audience. Meaning that it was clean with some Mormon culture jokes thrown in there :) If you want to try it out, make sure to pay for the tickets online {they are cheaper, $8 instead of $10} and make a reservation in advance. The Friday & Saturday nights get sold out super fast!

Then we walked around the corner to this cute 'lil pie bar I've seen when driving by on University Avenue. The Choc'late Mousse has only been in business for a month, but it's only 2 storefronts down from the Velour; so they are usually visited by our one & only Provo hipsters for band after parties, which actually sounds super fun! I grabbed the smallest size, because it's really rich & filling, and totally devoured the oreo crust and pumpkin mousse. YUM. Seriously check it out, you won't regret it!

What are you favorite date night ideas?

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