Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Crafting Queen

I saw this on Pinterest roughly 2-3 months ago and was thrilled when my mom handed over a hand-me-down lamp with a heinous old lady rose lampshade.
I can totally use a butt-load of burlap & hot glue to transform this sucker!!
Well, then we decided to pack up and move which definitely put the kabosh on crafting for a while.
Which is my excuse for just now finishing the dang thing.

Ryan is still shocked/weirded out/pleasantly surprised whenever I whip up a new DIY project.
He didn't know until after we were married that I was a self-proclaimed crafting queen.
{A hobby that my mom & I share. Mostly cause she is the crafting queen and I just copy her.}
He still asks me why I never mentioned this hobby to him when we were dating. 

Ummm ya, cause that wouldn't be weird or completely out of the blue while we were dating:
"Soo...I really like crafts. And burlap and hot glue and jewelry making and cross stitch and what not."
Who the crap brings that up on a first, second, or third date??
Also, when rooming with 4 other girls and having to share a bathroom, kitchen, living room, and apartment...it's a little difficult to justify taking over the whole kitchen table so I can craft up a storm.
I finished up this beaut along with decor for my sis-in-law's bridal shower, meaning that I took over the kitchen table for about a week with my craft storm & completed my projects while watching Drop Dead Diva and SYTYCD.
Ok, who else is excited about the ballroom girls from Utah on the show!? :D
Maybe I'm just a ballroom fanatic, but they are too hawt and talented for their own good!
Can't wait to see how far they get in the competition, anyone else have their favorites yet?
{Btw, I think Alexa is an amazing dancer, but I totally agree with the judges when they say it looks like she has no emotion when she dances. It's obnoxious!}

<3 Bri

P.S. Hustle your buns and enter the $20 gift card Apothica Giveaway!

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