Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

The Mannequin Girls

As many of you know, this is my first retail job...ever.
{At Francesca's Collections!}
When asked what I wanted to learn most about, I practically leaped and yelled and twitched with excitement when I said:
"Dressing the mannequins!!"

The picture above? 
My first display window.
Totes presh :)

I asked lots and lots of questions about what creative process is normal in dressing mannequins.
I just love getting outfits and accessories together, but sometimes I would get a creative block.
You know?
One of the best pointers I heard was...
All the mannequins should be dressed like they are going to the same place.

So the girls above?
They are from New York, and they haven't seen each other in a while....
 so they planned a girls' night out on the town to a pretty ritzy restaurant and happened to run into the Gossip Girl cast and danced all night long.

So now, I make up 'lil stories to go with each set of mannequins.
Some of the girls in the store even name the mannequins and give them personalities.
Ya, I haven't gotten to that point yet! haha
These girls are bff's from Texas, and they are heading to a friend's wedding in the country.
A mix of vintage, class, and country!
These are girls heading out for lunch at Zupas while it's raining outside, to catch up on all the latest gossip over some delicious paninis and salad.

Obviously I get a kick out of this :)
This is the start of my jewelry organization, so I can see exactly what I have.
So hopefully, when I go shopping I stop getting stuff that looks like something I already have.
You do that too?
Ok good, I'm not the only one :)

Any of you have some stories for the mannequin girls?

<3 Bri

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