Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013

Hipster Glasses

I get people asking me allll the time if I'm wearing glasses as a part of my "look" that day. Dang you hipsters! Ruining the wearing of glasses for the rest of us! I actually have lenses in my glasses and wear them for things like...seeing, you know? I first knew I needed glasses when I would determine which teammate I was passing the basketball to by her hair and jersey color. I didn't even realize that I had bad eyesight because I was compensating with colors and my parents didn't know because I was still sinking shots! It wasn't until they asked why I was squinting when I played, and I responded that it was so I could see exactly who I was passing to. Enter glasses!

I'm such a bad contact wearer though, because I sleep with them in for a week or more at a time {I know, I know...stop scratching your eyeballs out.} So when I finally do take them out and my eyes burn to high heavens, I like to look cute in my glasses :)

{Remixed: Boots, Top}

I love my Ray-Ban "inspired" {aka copycat} tortoiseshell glasses for everyday wear, and I just purchased a pair of black cat-eye glasses to give me some more options. Plus, I'm on the hunt for some rectangular glasses from Bonlook so I can look super classy when studying...because that's what's important when studying right? It's nice that prescription glasses are more affordable nowadays, as opposed to my over $200 Vera Wang glasses from high school. Yikes! Hooray for more fashionable options for the nearly-blind!

What are your thoughts on glasses? What are your favorite styles?

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