Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Weekend Update: Cornbelly's

Growing up I absolutely LOVED Halloween, probably because my parents would go all out for decorations and costumes. I still relish the Hallowen decorating, wearing fun costumes, watching Nightmare Before Christmas, making Halloween treats, and handing out candy. My dad & I even bought a remote rat one year for Halloween! We hid in the window, watching the front door for trick-or-treaters and would then race the fake rat up and scare little kids with it. Cheap entertainment! Ryan on the other hand is a little freaked out by Halloween, mostly because he grew up thinking there was a cucuy living in his I gotta make sure my decor is "cute-sy" enough so it doesn't scare him. 

I found a Groupon to hit up Cornbelly's in Lehi, a corn maze/pumpkin fest, and snatched it right up. It was our first time going {and doing really anything Halloween-related} and it was super fun! We took the hay ride, walked through the little kid corn maze, played beanbag games, looked at all the fun Halloween decor, watched a pig race, and picked out mini pumpkins. Nothing too scary ;) Then we ended our date with Cafe Rio pork salads & burritos, what better way to cap off the night?!

What's your favorite part about Halloween? 
Are you a scared-y cat?

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