Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

guess who's back

Have you ever had those days, weeks, months when you just want to fall off the grid for a bit?
If you haven't noticed, that's pretty much what I've done the past few weeks.
Between car trips to and from Arizona, and California; I've been a little tuckered out.

Most importantly, I wanted to make the most of my summer trips.
I only posted here a couple of times, Instagrammed a bit, took lots of pictures to share with you guys, and chose to spend time with the people I love most.
It's kinda nice not being available or easily accessible.
With our media filled society it becomes hard to completely disconnect, but a little internet/phone vacation from time to time is much needed.
I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for being such loyal & awesome readers!
I enjoy every single one of your comments, they all bring a smile to my face.
Something else that makes me smile?
I've been waiting for about a month to get them and because I'm a poor college kid, I can't bring myself to pay full price for I waited patiently for a discount.

Good things come to those who wait, in the form of awesomely 80's esque floral jeggings from Frannies.

I'm glad to be back!
<3 Bri

P.S. After posting this I'm gonna hop to it on emailing everyone back, so if you are expecting an email from me, you will hear word soon!

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