Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

if you really knew me

If you really knew me you would know...

That I'm neurotic about expiration dates, I refuse to eat anything even one day past the date on the box. This all stems from a horrible experience I had when I was 10 years old, from drinking expired egg nog.

I have really blonde eyebrows. If I don't get them tinted then I look like I have no eyebrows. SCARY.

I took 4 years of Spanish in high school because I loved the language and all the Mexican food people would bring to class.

I'm getting over my need to 'retail therapy' every time I'm having a bad day.
And not to pat myself on the back, I feel as if I've been doing pretty well!

I frequently get the:
"I thought you were intimidating at first, but then I got to know you...and now I love you!"
comment from pretty much everyone I meet and get to know.
I still don't know how I'm so intimidating?!

If you really knew me, you would know that...

My voice goes up an octave when I get on the phone. My family calls it my "barbie" voice.

I have good relationships with my parents and two younger brothers, and talk to them on a frequent basis.

Even though I'm a total girly girl in appearance, I can be quite the tomboy when necessary.

I'm not a good liar. What you see is what you get, and I mean what I say.

I love throwing parties, but also thoroughly enjoy my alone time.
Alone time filled with: organizing clothes/shoes, taking baths, reading books, taking walks, crafting up a storm, texting family/friends, and watching my dumb girly shows.

<3 Bri

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