Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

a day in the life of a sickie

Wake up.
Fall back asleep.
Sound like you are snorkeling while simultaneously gargling some snot in the back of throat.
Repeat about 50 times.

Finally wake up for good.
Stare at husband, willing him with mind powers to wake him up without actually having to put any effort into doing so.
Finally give in, and just nudge him to ask for a ride to the doc.

Go to urgent care.
Get told that you don't have strep throat but you do a have virus that you need to "ride out"
AKA take more medicine.
AKA you just wasted over an hour in the urgent care this morning.

Wallow in self-pity with Zupas soup in hand.
Then proceed to lay on the couch like a content walrus in the sun.
{Except this walrus is not content.}
Seriously, flopped out on the couch.
Watch Arrested Development.
Sleep/Breathe-choke through Arrested Development.

Forget to turn in homework on time because of "sickie brain", even though it was completed early.
Send an email plea to teacher.
Pray for sympathy from teacher.
Do more homework that was due today...
but could not be done yesterday due to feeling like a semi-truck squashed body during sleep.

Go get pizzas from Smiths with husband.
Hopefully can swallow some delicious pepperoni.
Along with some more horse pills.

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