Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

just like a coin collection, right?

Guys. I mean girls.
This is serious.
I think I might have a shoe obsession.
I didn't really think about it or even realize it until a friend the other day asked 
if I wanted to go to Ross to look at shoes....and my face completely lit up.
Is that a normal response to shoe shopping??

Ok, maybe it's because it isn't that hard to find shoes that find your foot just right.
Or that you can get them at a wide range of prices.
Or maybe because I just like looking at them in my closet.
Or because it is a dose of instant cuteness for my feets.
Or that it only takes a few minutes to try them on and decide if I want them.
{Not HOURS like it does to find clothes in the dressing room. Yuck.}
Or because they have a siren call that I just can't fight...

Who knows, good thing my feet are changing sizes anytime soon or I'd be in biiigggg trouble.

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