Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Blogging Mistakes

I had my first negative comment.

I guess that comes with the territory of having a public blog, on the internet no less.
I wrote about some frustrations I've had concerning some neighbors of mine.
As insignificant & lame as it may sound to anyone else, it was a frustrating situation for me.
And then I get a negative comment from someone I've never even heard of before.

We all just share these little tid-bits of our life on our own corner of the internet.
Happy, sad, frustrating, and confusing tid-bits.
Seeing as how it's my dang blog I figure I can write most anything I want on it.

But after reading the post I had the negative comment on, I caved in & deleted the post.
{Deleted the post because I felt kind of embarrassed reading it! and deleted the comment cause it ticked me off which could be because of my lack of sleep??}
I made a blogger mistake, writing when I'm upset/emotional, then posting it.
Rookie mistake!!

I'll own up to it.
It totally sounded like a dumb girl ranting on her blog...probably because it was.
Psh, but don't I get that chance every once in a while?
To accidentally fall off the "cool/one of the guys kind of girls" train??

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