Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

End of Finals Celebration

Yesterday morning, my last final of the Fall semester was at 7 IN THE MORNING.
When I woke up it was still dark outside.
I probably will never be a morning person, it's so heinous.

After I rocked my architecture final, I went back home and roused Ryan from his slumber to run some errands and scarf down some celebratory Kneaders french toast.

We were busy all day: gym, errands, gift shopping, family, etc.
Then Ryan asked me on a date :)

Let me first rewind before I continue on with last nights antics...
a few nights ago Ryan went up to Salt Lake with his friend to drop off his friend's sis-in-law at one of her finals, the boys had obviously hit up the mall because when they got back I saw a bag with my favorite logo on it....

"Christmas presents??"
"Yes...but I can't wait till then, can you please open it now so I know that you like it?"

I ripped it open and laying inside was this beautiful dress.
"When I saw it in the store I just knew my wife had to wear it, and I got some matching earrings so you can wear the whole outfit on a date."

Fast forward back to last night and here is the outfit!
It is soooo adorable, the perfect size, and I just love that he picked it out by himself.
Makes my heart melt!
We grabbed a smoothie, walked around the Riverwoods, and then saw Lincoln.
Wow, what an amazing movie.
Overall, it was a great day to end my Fall semester :)

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