Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

Sugar Coma

Those cookies pictured above are the perfect 'lil thing to put you in a sugar coma.
 Chocolate dipped.
 With peppermint candy cane crushed on top.

Without realizing it, Ryan and I made around 85 cookies 
and so now I'm trying to ditch them any way I can before I pass out from too much sugar intake.
Birthday parties with cookies and hot chocolate.
Gifts for friends, family, and co-workers.
I even started leaving them in the back room at work leaving a note that says:
"For anyone who needs a sugar boost during these long holiday hours, take one!"

I sense that they love & hate me for it simultaneously.
All their stomachs grumble when they see the deliciously delectable cookies,
 but then they curse the fact that I'm not helping any of them try this whole
"let's eat healthy and go to the gym during the holidays thing".
Tis the season ;)
{Insert evil laughter...bwahahaha}

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