Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

I-Can-Cook-Frozen-Pizza Domestic

Monday was our first day of the Winter Semester, it's crazy how fast time flies!
I've been looking at my school schedule and have noticed that 
I'm only a few classes away from finishing my major and minors.

So, aside from the craziness of the first day of school...
Monday I'm just bee-boppin' myself around on campus when I get a text from Ryan,
asking when people should come over tonight.

Ummm what?!
I guess he had planned an impromptu party at our place to watch the Notre Dame/Alabama game, 
and I was just finding out a few hours before people were to come over.
Good thing the house was already picked up and we had some food chillin' in the freezer!
You know what's the worst thing ever?
Going to a party when there isn't enough food.
Honestly though, it's depressing.

Granted it was not some gourmet feast, but I whipped up some:
Digiorno pizza, 'lil BBQ smokies, chicken taquitos, and our friends brought some delish chips.

It made for a fun/manly night & I just felt so domestic!
Like I-can-cook-frozen-pizza kind of domestic.

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