Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Bri's Bee Obsession

{Anthropologie sale}

AHHHHHHHHHH {Angels singing}
If only this dress had sleeves and a back to it *sigh*.
And if wasn't completely sold out in regular sizing *more sighs*
And if it wasn't still $80 bucks on sale *siggggggggghs*

For any of you who don't know, I love anything that has bugs/bees on it.
I guess you could say it's my fashion trademark.
I have bee earrings, bug shirts, bee flats.
I do not have a dress yet with bees/bugs on it.
One day one day!
If any of you find anything of the such, please let me know!

<3 Bri

--P.S. Check out this giveaway on Icing & Write!

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