Minggu, 01 April 2012

The Peck Reception

I'd like to welcome you to 
 Mr. and Mrs. Peck's wedding reception :)

{If you missed the wedding post, click here.}

Ready for picture overload?
Keep in mind that all the quilts, desserts, and decor was all made and set-up by family & friends. 
When you have tons of family, why would you hire a wedding crew?!
Such a DIY wedding to the max, and look how beautiful it turned out!
{The sign-in table}
{The candy bar}
{For favors they had little boxes that you could take and "stache" candy in for later}
{The reception line}
{The gift table. Zannie's mom, April, made that quilt on the left, so gorgeous!!}
{Me, Evan, and Jesse just chillin'}
{Zannie handmade all these flower balls out of crepe paper, there was 1-2 on each of the 9 tables. Crazy!}
{The dessert tables, so cute!}

{My 'lil dessert plate}
After the cutting & smashing of the cake, pictures with Zan, and tossing of the bouquet...
they left for their honeymoon in Santa Monica, CA. Hooray!

What was your favorite DIY wedding idea? :)
<3 Bri

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