Kamis, 12 April 2012

Snippet Stories

Here are some 'lil bite size stories from my life in the past two weeks-ish.
Enjoy the appetizers!

{I used my Niketrainer app, the LMFAO Pandora station, and a USC pillow pet as a medicine ball to work out. Once school is out I will be better than 1-2 times a week working out!}
{I switched out my boots for my wedges and flats. Can't wait for all the spring/summer weather!!! And no, my shoe section of the closet never looks this organized. Hence why it needed to be documented.}
{OMG. How the crap did I never know about this before? I always use Aveeno moisturizer for my face because of the SPF, but this tinted moisturizer makes my face look so smooth! My life has just gotten at least 5 times better because of it.}
{The walk on campus towards my car. And yes, I will brag that my campus is a freaking gorgeous one. Even though these flowery trees kinda smell like rotten fish :/}
{A homemade pesto, mayo, turkey, havarti on potato bread panini. SO GOOD! And my fave brand of Greek yogurt, but I always get the Greek yogurt with honey. Try it!}
{These uber cute wedges from Shoedazzle. Kinda looks a little Spanish huh? Makes me wanna go merengue or salsa dancing :D}
{Ryan, Evan, and I's Easter baskets! Tried to make it less girly and more manly by using football eggs. Ya, that didnt' really work.}
{My Easter Sunday outfit, pretty much got stared at while walking into church. I guess that's what happens when I wear a uber tight pencil skirt. I'm sexy and I know it? ;)}
{Our Easter bunny cake made out of funfetti cake. My favoritest cake OF ALL TIME. I could eat funfetti every day of my life. Ok, that's an exaggeration, I think I might die if I did that. But still, it's hte bomb.com}
{My appetizer specialty of stuffed mushrooms. Super cheap & easy to make, and they are always a crowd pleaser. How the heck could you go wrong with bacon and cream cheese?}
{Usually I'm an OPI girl, but I strayed for this "E-nuf is E-nuf" polish by Essie. I am very pleased :)}
{My fashion "trademark" I guess you could say, is anything with bees or bugs on it. So I just HAD to have these shoes. They went on sale from $98 to $25. I snagged them! But now I'm realizing that they are gonna hurt like a freaking motha to wear them in. Ohhh the pain you go through for cute shoes, right?}
{After my choir performance last night. This is my choir bff Erin Griffey, we first bonded over wedding colors cause she is getting married in Colorado, June 28! This choir night is when I discovered that I only have 5 pieces of black clothing in my whole humungous closet. What the heck!? It kinda makes sense though, my mom never bought me black clothes cause it's "too Vegas".}
{Finally, the poopy weather for the rest of this week. At least it will help me to stay inside and study right? By next wednesday I'll be done with all my finals and home free to travel to So-Cal! WOOT WOOT!}

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--Find me on intstagram! I love finding peeps in the blog world on there :)

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