Jumat, 20 April 2012

The Mrs. & The Momma

I made it through finals!
Thanks for all your kind words & encouragement!

Now I'm in sunny So-Cal on my mini-vacay with the husby soakin' up some sunshine.
HOLY CRAP. It's 90 degrees and SUNNY here.
Totes breaking out the shorts, flow-y tops, swimsuits and sandals.
Mmmmm, my natural habitat :)

I post swapped with Kristen cause she is cute/fun/awesome momma & has rockin' style!
Check her out!
Not in the creepy way...but you know what I mean ;)
Hey there, Breezy Days readers!  I'm Kristen from The Mrs. and The Momma.  So nice to meet you!
So, my husband and I have know each other since we were kids, and we have four little munchkies (and when I say 'little', I mean it....my oldest is in Kindergarden).
I like to consider my blog three parts fashion, one part life, and one part family...although that precise math is subject to change.  I'm a lover of cold-weather clothes {I loathe Texas summers}, chunky jewelry, Star Wars, sushi, girls' nights, fireworks, the smell of babies, getting dressed up, history, and mostly importantly-Sour Patch Watermelons.
Come on over to visit The Mrs. and The Momma and give me a holler! I promise I'll holla back!

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